Beyond ticking the box: the Final conference recording & presentations are online

The SUPERA project is coming to an end and oFriday, 25th March 2022 (h. 9:30-16:30 CET) our Final conference will take place!

We are proud of our efforts and achievements on gender equality so far and we would like to take the opportunity of the closing event to have an exchange with all the committed colleagues of the gender & science community about lessons learned, promising practices and common challenges for the sustainability of gender equality actions and policies.

Join us on the 25th of March, 2022 at the SUPERA Final Conference Beyond ticking the box: sustainable, innovative and inclusive Gender Equality Plans. The event will be held in a hybrid mode: we look forward to meeting you in Madrid, at the UCM Campus Moncloa (Faculty of Medicine. Room Professor Botella), and online.

Online registration is mandatory: please find the registration form at this link.
You will be invited to choose between the in-presence and the online attendance and you will receive a reminder a few days before the event. Please don´t hesitate to contact the SUPERA Project Team if you have any enquiries:

The conference recording is accessible via this link on the SUPERA YouTube channel.
The slided used by the speakers are accessible on Slideshare and via the dedicated page of our website.


9.30 -10.30 Opening

Margarita San Andrés Moya, UCM Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer

Domènec Espriu, Director of the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, MCIN-AEI

Athanasia Moungou Gender Sector Unit D4-Democracy & European Values DG Research & Innovation,  European Commission Presentation

10.30 – 11.30 Welcome from the SUPERA Consortium and Keynote speech: “GEPs Eligibility criteria and beyond”

Maria Bustelo, SUPERA Coordinator, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Marcela Linková, Head of the Centre for Gender and Science. Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences   Presentation

11.30-12.00  Coffee Break

12.00-13.30  Round table “Stories of institutionalisation in Universities and Research Centers: inspiring practices”
Moderator: Emanuela Lombardo, UCM

  • Mónica Lopes – Centro de Estudos Sociais Universidade da Coimbra: Gender Mainstreaming Monitoring Structure Accountability mechanism of the GEP Presentation
  • Ana Belén Amil – Central European University: Increasing the representation of women as Faculty Presentation
  • Marta Aparicio – Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Gender Equality Nodes Network Presentation
  • Ester Cois – Università degli Studi di Cagliari: Institutionalisation of Gender Equality Delegate position Presentation
  • María Pilar Rodríguez and María Jesús Pando – Universidad de Deusto (Project Gearing Roles): Guidelines to mainstream gender in research and teaching Presentation

13.30-14.30 Lunch Break

14.30 -15.45 Round table “Sustainability of GEPs and Networks in Research Funding Organisations”
Moderator: Sophia Ivarsson, VINNOVA

  • Massimo Carboni – Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
  • Lourdes Armesto – Agencia Estatal de Investigación Presentation
  • Carry Hergaarden – Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Presentation
  • Jana Dvorackova – Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Presentation

15.45-16.00 The SUPERA RFOs network: goals and next steps
Lut Mergaert – Yellow Window Presentation
Marcela Linkova – Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences

16.00-16.25 Concluding remarks – SUPERA  International Advisory Board
Jörg Müller – Open University of Catalonia, Anne Laure Humbert – Oxford Brookes Business School, Miguel Lorente – University of Granada, Nicole Huyghe – Boobook, Maxime Forest, Sciences Po Paris

16.25-16.30 Closing

Registration form

Download the poster with the Conference agenda

2022-04-22T10:47:34+02:00February 14th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |

Dream it, be it! A joint campaign for 11/02

On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11th February 2022, the EU Sister projects CALIPER, Gender-SMART, SUPERA, LeTSGEPs, RESET, SPEAR, CASPER, ACT, GenPORT, MINDtheGEPs, ATHENA, GRANteD, Gearing-Roles, Gender STI and EQUAL4Europe are joining forces in order to share inspiring stories to encourage other women – and especially young girls – to pursue a career in Research & Innovation (R&I).

On the 11th and 12th of February 2022, we invite you to join our campaign by sharing your stories as women researchers, focusing on what did inspire you them to pursue your career.

The campaign is based on 3 inspiring questions, that are meant to be answered shortly to fit in the poster:
1. What is your professional background?
2. What did inspire you to pursue this career?
3. Who was your role model?

Download the editable Response template [power point format] and share it on social media. You are more than welcome to include photos in your posters. Don’t forget to use our hashtags #DreamItBeIt and #EUSisterProjects and tag us!

2022-02-14T10:35:45+02:00February 7th, 2022|Tags: , , |

On 18/02 an online seminar on Gender Perspective in Teaching at UCM

Recommendations and teaching practices with a gender perspective from the Gender Equality Nodes Network of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

During this 2021/2022, the Gender Equality Nodes Network of the UCM has worked on the analysis of experiences and practices on how to incorporate the gender approach in teaching. Results of this work will be presented on  Friday, February 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The main aim of this event is to provide handy resources and recommendations for the Academic Staff on how to easily incorporate gender equality within classes and teaching tasks and content.   

Info and details:

Registration is required here:

¿Cómo conseguir una docencia más equitativa? Recomendaciones para incluir la perspectiva de género en la docencia [file .pdf]

10.00 -10.10 Opening

10.10 – 10.45
Introduction to the Incorporation of Gender Equality Perspective  in Teaching
General Recommendations in Classroom Management, Methodologies and Evaluation

10.45 – 11.30 Inspiring practices in Arts and Humanities

11.30 -12.15 Inspiring practices in Social Sciences

12.15-12.30 Break

12.30 -13.15 Inspiring Practices in Health Sciences

13.15 – 14.00 Inspiring Practices in STEM

14.00 Closing

Info: SUPERA – Project Office

2022-07-20T16:33:07+02:00February 4th, 2022|Tags: , , |