Our Consortium
4 universities, 2 funding organizations and 2 expert partners from 6 European countries. Different backgrounds and experiences and a common commitment to pursue meaningful advancements towards gender equality: this is the SUPERA Consortium!

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) – Coordinator
UCM is one of the largest Universities in Spain and Europe. It has a vast academic offer in social sciences, humanities and STEM degrees and extensive experience as a partner, evaluator and expert in European projects regarding gender policies and structural change.
UCM is be in charge of project management and coordination (WP2), and leads as well the development of a framework for the implementation of gender equality plans (WP5).

Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy)
UNICA is the largest university in Sardinia and has extensive experience as partner and coordinator in international research programmes. UNICA leads the Communication, engagement and sustainability work package (WP8), in order to give visibility to the project outcomes, disseminate positive messages and share experiences with both internal and external audiences.

Central European University (Hungary – Austria)
CEU is an internationally recognized non‐state post graduate educational institution in the sphere of social sciences and humanities, and one of the most densely international universities in the world. CEU currently operates in two locations (CEU in Budapest, and CEU Private University in Vienna). CEU is the leader of the preliminary gender analysis and baseline assessment work package (WP3).

Centro de Estudos Sociais – Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
CES-UC is a research unit of the University of Coimbra, with extensive experience in the analysis of the integration of gender dimension in science and research. CES has also vast experience in the design of methodologies and tools for gender equality mainstreaming of policies, processes and practices.

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
MCIN is the department of the Spanish General State Administration in charge of executing the Government’s policy on scientific and technical research. Within MCIN, the Women and Science Unit (Unidad de Mujeres y Ciencia, UMyC) is responsible for gender mainstreaming in science, technology and innovation. One of MCIN main assigned bodies, the State Research Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI), is the Spanish entity for management and financing of public earmarked funds for R&D activities. MCIN, through the UMyC and the State Research Agency, will lead the development of a framework for GEP actions in research-funding organizations. MCIN will work closely in SUPERA with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (Italy)
RAS, with the Centro Regionale di Programmazione (Regional Programming Centre – CRP) plays a leading role in the management of funds from EU programmes. As a regional public body, CRP is the planning office for regional policies, and directly manages regional research and innovation funds in the Sardinia region.

Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (France)
SCIENCES PO is the leading research institution in social sciences in France. Its Gender Studies Programme (PRESAGE) provides courses on gender issues at all academic levels, supports research on gender and endorses a policy evaluation and consulting activity on gender equality issues for major groups and institutions in France, including ministries and public agencies. In SUPERA, SCIENCES PO leads an impartial monitoring and GEP progress evaluation, developing a methodology for objective monitoring and assessment (WP7).

YW is a multi‐disciplinary consultancy specialised in product, service and policy design, with considerable expertise in the fields of gender equality and social innovation. YW leads the capacity-building, training and support activities, providing technical support and mobilising its design expertise to facilitate the institutional transformation process in all organizations involved in the implementation of GEPs (WP4).