Webinar #4
December 16 h. 11:00 – 12:30

A closer look at unconscious bias and what RFOs can do
This webinar, designed for RFOs, will illuminate how RFOs can intervene to avoid unconscious biases in their work.
The first speaker, Maxime Forest (Science Po, SUPERA Monitoring and Evaluation partner), will explain the different aspects of RFOs’ work where unconscious bias may slip in and influence ultimate effects.
The intervention of the second speaker will be of a more practical nature: Carry Hergaarden, from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), will share NWO’s experiences with the ‘inclusive assessment’ initiative. This practice is being promoted by the European Commission in its recently published “Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans”.
After the two presentations, there will be time for questions and answers.
Click here for the registration form
This is the 4th webinar organised by SUPERA and specifically dedicated to gender equality in research funding organisations.